What you speak is what will be: the power of affirmations
Jun 28, 2020Well it's almost the end of June 2020 and we are still right in the thick of a global pandemic. Lots of perks and activities have been restricted, forcing us to go within and spend some time really reflecting on our core values and perceived limitations.
While I prepared for the worst, I also had the chance to really elevate my spiritual practice during this time. And there was one area that I didn't give my full attention to for a while (before the pandemic): AFFIRMATIONS
I started using this practice in a daily fashion again once the pandemic hit and we were asked to quarantine in mid-March. I started with affirming success and financial abundance. I started listening to a 5-minute recording, where I repeated affirmations about wealth, success, and opportunity flowing my way. What started as a 21-day practice, has since extended up until today - yes even this morning! What's resulted from this practice are the following wins:
A roster full of long-term clients (more clients than I've ever had before)
Paid speaking opportunities (yes, even virtual talks)
More clients paying in-full at the start of their program (thanks to employer personal development stipends)
Business debt being paid in full
I am amazed! All of this between March through June 2020. And it doesn't stop there. I've also:
Paid off my car
Paid off my new refrigerator
Doubled my savings reserve
Increased my credit score into the 800's
How this is now impacting Motherhood...
As a business owner, the mom guilt of taking time and energy away from the hubby and kids is so real! There are days where I miss dinner, cooped up in my home office upstairs for hours, or sometimes too tired to stay up long enough to catch a full movie with the girls. It's in these moments that I beat myself, internally, for not being a Perfect, Super Woman, who can work, build a business, clean, cook, play and have enough energy at the end of the day for fun. I'm sure so many busy moms out there can relate.
I do tend to reserve time on the weekends, but even then I can beat myself up for not being as enthusiastic about "working around the house" - after working 60-hours during the week. I'm all for hiring help so I can use my limited weekend time to rest, recharge and have fun. But, the expectations we can have on ourselves as moms can weigh heavily and add guilt for not finding enjoyment in domestic tasks. When we carry such guilt and shame for NOT being domesticated, it can add to the negative thoughts were carry about how we are mothering our kids. I started to feel like I was dropping the ball, not being a good-enough mom to my kids. As someone who has struggled in her own relationship with my mother; the fear of damaging my daughters because of my ambition - was paralyzing me and causing me to lose sleep. Anytime I sensed my daughters were sad, angry, irritable, or bored; I blamed myself.
On June 15, 2020 I decided I didn't want to feel this way anymore. I didn't want to look for signs that I was a bad mom and wait for the world to show me that I was right. So, I took what I learned about using affirmations to attract the success and abundance that I wanted, and a now using that tool in my desire to affirm myself as a Mom.
Just a few weeks ago, I added a 7-minute affirmation audio to my morning routine. Starting my day with statements like:
- I am a great mom.
- I know what's best for my kids.
- I make mistakes sometimes, and it's OK.
- I expect great things for myself, and I expect great things for my kids.
- My kids love me and I love them.
- It is OK to take care of myself and do things that bring me joy.
- I am a great mom.
Since doing this my mood has elevated, my sense of guilt is decreasing, and I've noticed that my kids are in a better mood also! Maybe I was imagining that their frustration was towards me, because I carried so much guilt. Brene Brown once said, "When you go out into the world and look for signs that you don't belong, you will always find them."
My narrative around my mom guilt was all internal. It was a story I was cultivating within myself. Yes, my kids would prefer that I wasn't as busy, and over time, I will be shifting my business model to accommodate the increase in clientele without compromising my home life. But, beating myself up about not being 'on top of it all of the time' isn't going to help anything.
We have to be willing to learn, grow, feel, fall, get back up, and move forward stronger, wiser and better.
I share this with you so that if you want to change an internal narrative as well as external experiences (attract the things you want); consider using AFFIRMATIONS to usher in this reality. It all starts with your thoughts. What you expect, is what will BE. So expect all GOOD things to come your way.
You can be a successful woman AND a good mom, at the same time.
Michelle Gomez